The maps are an overview of the area, an inn, a houseboat, the fish processing plant and a mall. Plenty to explore, provided you get along all right with halflings!
Publisher's blurb: "In the breakwaters just beyond the jetty south of The Points (beacons), anchored against the drifting tide floats a hodgepodge structure of moored docks, shanty houseboats and derelict barges crudely lashed together with free floating gangways and protected by large nets strung between buoys filled with seaweed and flotsam. The floating tenements are inhabited entirely by halfling fishermen from the southern coast that emigrated to Azindralea to fish the rich shoals dancing with scuttlebacks, silver hake, and herring. Locals call the settlement the Saltshacks. Its sea-weathered residents cling to their simple traditions, content to live isolated from large folk except in matters of conducting business."
Megan's review
Book Details:
Author: Mario Barbati
Publishers' Reference: BLU46
ISBN: n/a
PDF, 20 pages
Date: June 2008
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Product page last updated: 9 July 2008