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Changeling: The Lost

Changeling: The Lost

As the New World of Darkness develops and grows, each of the former World of Darkness lines from White Wolf make their appearance, and in 2007 it became the the turn of the Changelings. Of course, they are quite different from their predecessors. These Changlings started as human, were stolen by the fairies and have now returned to 'normal' life...or at least, as normal as they can manage.

In 2012, Onyx Path Publishing licensed this line, saying that Changeling: The Lost is a game about those people in awful situations, who have mustered the strength to move on. It's about learning to survive in a new world, one that looks like the one you grew up in, but one you'll never see the same way because of what you've been through. It's about struggling to find a balance between facing the world, and looking back and healing. It's about knowing that you could become a victim at any time, and trying to walk the line between security and paranoia. It's about staying safe while not consuming your life by dwelling on the past. It's about dealing. It's about growing. It's about healing... so far, they've added little to the line, but a Second Edition may be forthcoming eventually.

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Setting Page last updated: 17 January 2016