Nature writ large, mighty foes or friends for your characters to encounter.
Publisher's blurb: "Giant Lore provides in-depth background for some of the biggest and baddest foes in the d20 System: Giants and their kin. Beautifully designed and illustrated in the Legends & Lairs tradition, Giant Lore offers a wide variety of exciting new features, including dozens of new and original giants and giantkin, prestige classes and feats specifically designed for giants and information on integrating giants and their civilizations into your world setting."
More when I get hold of a copy!
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Book Details:
Authors: Peter Buchy, Jeffrey Dobberpuhl, Nick Gomes, Shannon Kalvar, and Lysle Kapp
Publishers' Reference: DD43
ISBN: 1-58994-098-9
Paperback, 64 pages
Date: May 2003
Product page last updated: 31 December 2005