If adventuring underground is your thing, this book will be an invaluable resource, providing equipment, spells, ideas and feats to enable survival against the many devious ideas there are in here for the DM.
Publisher's blurb: "The Dungeoncraft sourcebook contains complete rules for designing new and interesting dungeons, caves, and crypts. From determining dungeon layouts and denizens, to exciting dungeon templates that can recreate everything from the tunnels beneath a volacano to the cracks beneath a glacier, Dungeoncraft provides players and DMs alike with everything they need to enjoy fantastic adventures in the dungeon and beyond."
More when I get hold of a copy!
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Book Details:
Author: Mike Mearls
Publishers' Reference: DD37
ISBN: 1-58994-095-4
Hardback, 176 pages
Date: March 2003
Product page last updated: 31 December 2005