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Beast: The Primordial Core Rulebook

Beast: The Primordial Core Rulebook

This book contains information on playing a Beast in the Chronicles of Darkness, with loads of background on their broods all around the world from Vancouver to Tokyo, as well as material on the Heroes who hunt them (and who think it's their story...).

Publisher's blurb: "You are one of the Begotten, the living embodiment of a primal nightmare of humanity. Your soul, your Horror, is a monstrous creature - maybe something that humanity dreamed and wrote down and still speaks of in legends, or maybe some outlandish horror that no living person has ever seen.

"You are a Beast, and you must feed. Your Hunger drives you, and your Hunger might damn you. Indulge too lightly and your Horror will take matters into its own hands, roaming the Primordial Dream for sustenance and awakening murderous hatred in spiritually weak individuals. Feed too deeply and too often, and you become sluggish, sacrificing the raw edge of Hunger for the languor of Satiety. You must decide how to grow your Legend - will you be the monster incarnate, the thing that all other monsters fear? Or are you doomed to die under a Hero's sword?"

More when I get hold of a copy!

Book Details:
Authors: Rose Bailey, Dave Brookshaw, Jim Fisher, Emily Griggs, Andrew Heston, David A Hill Jr, Dana Hughes, Matthew McFarland, Renee Ritchie, Travis Stout, Peter Woodworth, and Sam Young
Publishers' Reference: Unknown
ISBN: Unknown
Hardback, 349 pages
Date: March 2016

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Product page last updated: 30 July 2019