A collection of resources for fighters and others who live for combat. Fighting schools to specialise in, mounted and aerial combat, and even rules for martial competions and jousting.
Publisher's blurb: "Path of the Sword introduces Fantasy Flight?s new line of character class sourcebooks for the d20 System. This 176-page hardcover book focuses on the martial classes: barbarian, fighter, monk, and ranger. Path of the Sword presents a wide variety of expanded combat rules, fighting styles, feats, prestige classes, and equipment. Legendary classes?advanced prestige classes designed for high-level, heroic characters?debut in this book as well."
More when I get hold of a copy!
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Book Details:
Authors: Clay Breedlove, Shaun Cashman, Lizard, Michelle Lyons, James Maliszewski, and Brian Patterson
Publishers' Reference: DD30
ISBN: 158994061X
Hardback, 176 pages
Date: June 2002
Product page last updated: 31 December 2005