Traps, poisons, even puzzles and tricks, to keep your players on their toes.
Publisher's blurb: "The world just got a little more dangerous. Fantasy Flight Games is proud to announce a second book of deadly machinations that DMs can use to pulp, pulverize, and puree their player characters. In the tradition of the original Traps & Treachery, this book will include hundreds of new poisons, mechanical traps, magical traps, and mind-bending dungeon puzzles. The book will be generously illustrated by more of the clever mechanical illustrations that graced the first Traps & Treachery book."
More when I get hold of a copy!
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Book Details:
Authors: Ed Bourelle, Kurt Brown, Shaun Cashman, Mark Chance, Catten Ely, Lizard, Brian Patterson, Scott Stoecker, Paul Sudlow, William Timmins, and Bree Zastrow
Publishers' Reference: DD29
ISBN: 1-58994-027-X
Hardback, 176 pages
Date: August 2002
Product page last updated: 31 December 2005