A collection of spells and spell-related material.
Publisher's blurb: "Spells & Spellcraft is the fourth volume in Fantasy Flight?s Legends & Lairs line of d20 System sourcebooks. This 176-page hardcover book will offer scores of new arcane and divine spells, new feats, rules for alchemical research and arcane libraries, and rules for new magical traditions. Spells & Spellcraft will be an invaluable resource for both players of spellcasting characters and DMs looking to expand the boundaries of magic in their campaigns."
More when I get hold of a copy!
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Book Details:
Authors: Ed Bourelle, Shaun Cashman, Mark Chance, Chris Hussey, Lizard, Brian Patterson, Paul Sudlow, William Timmins, and Bree Zastrow
Publishers' Reference: DD28
ISBN: 1589940253
Hardback, 178 pages
Date: March 2002
Product page last updated: 31 December 2005