Treasure hoards that actually look like someone collected them!
Publisher's blurb: "Your PCs are deep in the dungeon and have just defeated a terrifying dragon! As they bandage their wounds, and ready their fallen friend's bodies for return to the surface, they look around and ask 'So what treasure's in the dragon's hoard, anyway?' At that point, unless the GM has prepared a detailed list of treasure, the PCs get (possibly) literally tons of coins and some generic magic items. (After all, most GMs have better things to do with their prep time than generate descriptions for stuff the PCs will likely sell).
"Treasures & Trinkets: Treasure Hoards #1 banishes these problems by providing a veritable hoard of 25 pre-generated, richly detailed treasure hoards for challenges 0-4 ready to insert into almost any GM's campaign."
Megan's review
Book Details:
Authors: Ronald Calbick, Thomas King and Chad Perrin
Publishers' Reference: Unknown
ISBN: n/a
PDF, 10 pages
Date: September 2016
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Product page last updated: 17 March 2018