Complete Product List: Dungeons & Dragons 5e
Complete Product List: Icons
Complete Product List: Mutants & Masterminds 3e
Complete Product List: Pathfinder 1e
Complete Product List: Pathfinder 2e
Complete Product List: Starfinder RPG
Putting the 'copious' into prolific author, Rogue Genius Games was founded by Owen K.C. Stephens in 2013 to write the stuff he really wanted to write after an already illustrious career freelancing and writing for Wizards of the Coast and many other companies as well as being lead developer at Super Genius Games. He also works for Paizo and Green Ronin and is believed to sleep alternate Thursdays.
- D20 Modern resources
- Dungeons & Dragons 5e resources
- Call of Cthulhu resources
- Icons resources
- Mutants and Masterminds 3e resources
- Pathfinder 1e resources
- Pathfinder 2e resources
- Savage Worlds resources
- Starfinder RPG resources
Visit their website.
Company Section last updated: 11 December 2019