This is the shared campaign (organised play) for 13th Age, run by publisher Pelgrane Press. It lets players enjoy 13th Age games at home, in game stores or at conventions with a continuity of story that still leaves room for the freedom and flexibility that sets 13th Age apart. Each game of 13th Age is different, because the One Unique Things and backgrounds of the characters in separate groups will be different. These rules give players the ability to help to define the world: there is no standard, universal Dragon Empire; however the way the shared campaign games are written accommodate this. The campaign is described as a world-spanning epic that you can play as an ongoing campaign, or as standalone adventures.
Season 1 was launched in July 2013 under the name Tales of the 13th Age, but changed names with the beginning of Season 2. The unique thing about this campaign is that each adventure runs for several sessions, not the 'single convention slot' design used by most shared campaigns. Each session can be played with a different group of people, if you and your character are on the move or you play somewhere that the group of players is always changing.
Page last updated: 2 January 2017