Heavenring Village is a completely-mapped entire village, right down to every room in every house. Each area of the village is available separately, but if you fancy a complete village in that level of detail, this is the product that you want to purchase. Your download will contain eight separate files that comprise eleven buildings in total, along with a massive overview map and an extensive file that gives you space to write detailed notes about each individual room in the entire village.
The Referee Map file contains a vast 'poster map' version and the same spread over four pages that can be printed separately and stuck together if you don't have commercial printing facilties to hand. The usual technical wizardry (the Rule the Dungeon button) enables you to set various parameters before you print - the usual furniture and doors, and type of grid (hex, square or none) and an additional one... you can choose to see the roof rather than the floorplan of each building - nice for the party rogue!
The other file unique to this product is Templates. This presents all 101 rooms contained in the village, one per page. Each room is depicted in detail with plenty of space for you to write out your own notes - room description, who is in there and what they are doing, what's to be found if you search and so on. It's an excellent planning tool, the only drawback is that you have to print it out and scribble your notes, it's not set up so that you can type them in (although if you're good with the 'comment'tools in Adobe Acrobat you might be able to manage!).
Overall, if you have need of a very detailed small village, get this!
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Reviewed: 7 September 2016