Cascadia Adventures 2: The Lost Girl is the second in a set of adventures by Gypsy Knights Games set in the Cascadia subsector of their Clement Sector.
Publisher's blurb: "A daughter lost. It tugs at the heart of any parent.
"Khalil Moskalawicz, a former card dealer at The Razz Casino, has lost contact with his only daughter, Frida. When no one else will help, Khalil turns to his former boss, Carrie O'Malley. And when Carrie O'Malley needs someone to take on a tough job, she calls on you.
"Has Frida been kidnapped? Murdered? Turned to a life of crime? It is up to you to find out the truth.
"Cascadia Adventures 2: The Lost Girl comes with an exciting adventure, nine pre-generated characters, and tons of NPCs. In addition, The Lost Girl features stats and deckplans for the Rucker-class ship, a common 'oddjob' ship in the Clement Sector."
Megan's review
Book Details:
Author: John Watts
Publishers' Reference: CA2
ISBN: n/a
PDF, 41 pages
Date: September 2012
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Product page last updated: 13 July 2016