This adventure involves cleaning out a fairly unusual bunch of bandits, and can be run if the party comes across them or even as the climax of a hostage-rescue plotline, seeing as the bandits in question are rather fond of kidnappings - provided, that is, you want to write one.
There's a very short adventure background that just details who the bandits actually are, and an equally brief adventure synopsis that is basically 'raid lair, kill bandits'. Then there are some hooks to get the party involved, and once suitable hooked it is up to you to get the party to the lair entrance. From there on, you are well supported with a map and good descriptions of what will be found within. The map is quite unusual, a sketch of a cross-section through the lair rather than a floorplan. It gives an excellent impression of the layout, but might pose problems for those happier with a grid-based floorplan, especially if they rely on miniatures for handling combat... and there's combat a-plenty, this is an adventure for groups who relish a good fight!
There's not much in the way of suggestions for follow-up adventures, but there are a couple of ideas that could prove interesting if you want to develop them. Fundamentally this is a lair clearance operation with unusual opponents that ought not to prove too intellectually challenging to your party but does provide them with ample opportunities to brawl - perhaps it can be used as an interlude to more thoughtful adventures, or just when you know the party is itching for a fight!
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Reviewed: 2 July 2016