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Darwin`s World: Darwin`s World 2nd Edition

Darwin's World 2nd Edn.

The 2nd edition hardcover consists of the three main 2nd edition ebooks: Survivor's Handbook, Campaign Guide, and Terrors of the Twisted Earth (revised), which are available separately as PDFs if you prefer. It's based on the D20 Modern mechanic, rather than the D20 fantasy one used for 1st Edition of Darwin's World.

Publisher's blurb: "Darwin's World 2nd Edition is a revised and expanded version of the post-apocalyptic d20 RPG. All the new rules are revised for compatibility with the Modern d20 System. This new edition is focused on separating the mechanics from the setting, making Darwin's World the definitive guide to building post-apocalyptic campaigns, whether you are playing in the Twisted Earth or your own preferred post-Fall setting."

More when I get hold of a copy!

Book Details:
Authors: Dominic Covey and Chris Davis
Publishers' Reference: RPO0100
ISBN: 0-9743067-1-1
Hardback, 384 pages
Date: December 2003

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Product page last updated: 21 January 2008