A burgeoning starport, neglected hinterland and loads of mercenaries... perhaps not the best of holiday destinations?
Publisher's blurb: "The Borderland line of Third Imperium books focusses on a single subsector within the Trojan Reach, allowing referees to rely on adventrues and sourcebooks that fully scope the region, meaning he can get on with the business of running his campaign!
"The Tanith system is a key link on the Imperial-Aslan trade route. Its excellent starport has grown into a starfaring nation in its own right, whilst the rest of the planet is wilderness populated by barbarians and survivors of failed colony missions. These low-tech settlements are preyed upon by raiders and Aslan ihatei groups. Tanith has become a hotbed of mercenary activity as the Port of Tanith attempts to resist these incursions without triggering a full-scale invasion. Borderland Profile: Tanith provides a complete guide to this troubled world and its star system, along with a selection of the finest... and less fine… mercenaries available for hire in the Borderland."
More when I get hold of a copy!
Book Details:
Author: M J Dougherty
Publishers' Reference: MGP3877
ISBN: n/a
PDF, 18 pages
Date: May 2015
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Product page last updated: 6 June 2015