Come and explore the Boderland, a place with adventure around every corner.
Publisher's blurb: "The Borderland is the unofficial name given to a region of space in Trojan Reach sector. It is also – not coincidentally – the name of a subsector in that area. The two overlap, though the term 'Borderland' is sometimes used in a wider context to refer to the general area surrounding the subsector of that name.
"The Borderland is a region of great strategic significance lying between the border of the Third Imperium in Tobia subsector and the territory of the Aslan Hierate in Tlaiowaha subsector. One cluster of seven star systems (the Voidsedge Cluster) lies entirely within the Borderland subsector, whilst another (the Wildeman Cluster) of eight worlds lies on the border of the Borderland and Tobia subsectors. These two clusters of worlds make up the region normally referred to as the Borderland, whatever the star charts may say about which subsector they are in.
"The Borderland is a buffer zone between the Imperium and the Aslan Hierate, with its own small local powers caught between the two big players. It is a region of rather vigorous local politics, in which a handful of relatively small starships can tip the balance of power. The sort of place where the crew of a beat-up old Free Trader can make a real difference... or meet an untimely end without anyone knowing what happened to them.
"This book is an overview of the Borderland; its powers and polities, their agendas and their rivalries. Further supplements will detail the Wildeman and Voidsedge clusters and the surrounding systems, presenting a wealth of adventure opportunities in a 'small ship universe' where a group of Travellers can rise to fame and fortune with a few good decisions, and lose it all just as quickly."
More when I get hold of a copy!
Book Details:
Author: M J Dougherty
Publishers' Reference: MGP4188
ISBN: n/a
PDF, 40 pages
Date: April 2015
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Product page last updated: 6 June 2015