The final massive installment of the Rise of the Drow adventure path, intended for characters of 11th-15th level.
Publisher's blurb: "The drow city of Holoth is a wealthy metropolis of power-hungry drow families, with various houses constantly vying for position and prestige at the expense of each other. House Gullion, one of the more sinister houses, seals a pact with a mysterious race called the Vidre, an agreement which causes a shift Gullion’s way and throws the entire Underworld into utter chaos. Matron Maelora of House Gullion is as devious as they come and has far greater dreams than simple regional conquest; visions from the Spider Goddess give her insight into the expansion of her house and dominance over both the Under and Overworld. Numerous bold moves plant House Gullion in a position of power over the entire region. Now the PCs must make their move and stop the evil Matron Maelora in her play for power, but how will they go about it? How will they ensure their victory?"
More when I get hold of a copy!
Book Details:
Authors: Stephen Yeardley, Jonathan Nelson, Joshua Gullion, Will Myers, Nathan Land, and Cory Vickruck
Publishers' Reference: A15
ISBN: n/a
PDF, 252 pages
Date: 2012
No longer available, see the separate Rise of the Drow section for the revised version.
Product page last updated: 8 February 2015