Four new colonies replete with the potential to host myriad adventures - will some of them be yours?
Publisher's blurb: "Four colonies on the edge of the frontier! The Dawn Colonies are the only settled worlds in Tranquility Sector. Located to trailing of Clement Sector, Dawn Subsector is the spearhead of colonization into this new sector. The last stops before heading into the unknown!
"Dawn - A world ruled by a self-declared royal family. Are they being aided from another world with designs on domination? Or are they the protectors of the people as they claim?
"Argos Prime - A world with underground seas and oceans in a maze of caverns where corporate interests and new settlers are clashing with the established colonists. Whose side will your characters take?
"Tranquility - A world with a small population of disgruntled workers operating a robotic mine. Will the colony succeed?
"Bicocca - The newest of the colonies. This world is looking for the best and brightest to help them tame a new planet!
"The Dawn Colonies comes with detailed descriptions of each of these settled worlds along with information concerning the remainder of the Dawn subsector. Random encounters and adventure hooks are included for each world to get your characters into the action with a minimum of preparation.
"The Dawn Colonies can be used as part of a continuing campaign within Gypsy Knights Games' Clement Sector background or as part of any Traveller or science fiction setting. These worlds can be used in concert or be taken one at a time for your own Traveller universe. Adventure awaits in the new colonies!"
Megan's review
Book Details:
Authors: John Watts and George Ebersole
Publishers' Reference: TDAC
ISBN: n/a
PDF, 50 pages
Date: June 2013
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Product page last updated: 8 November 2014