A fine selection of frontier worlds to incorporate into your adventures.
Publisher's blurb: "Five colonies on the edge of civilized space! The Dade Colonies are located on the far frontier of the Clement Sector. The last stops before heading into the unknown!
"Arnemuiden - The refuge of a disgraced politician and his followers from The Hub Federation. Have they established a political utopia or simply become a haven for pirates?
"Dade - An underground corporate colony used to bridge Sequoyah subsector with the Dade frontier!
"Osiris - A world with a strict caste system which has evolved from a government meant to guarantee liberty!
"Dashwood - A world trying desperately to maintain and spread civilized behavior while being used as an advance base for settlers and explorers!
"Sarawak - A religious separatist colony with a strong desire to be left alone. Was this desire so strong that they violated their morals and killed hundreds to maintain their privacy?
"The Dade Colonies comes with detailed descriptions of each of these settled worlds along with information concerning the remainder of the Dade subsector. Random encounters and adventure hooks are included for each world to get your characters into the action with a minimum of preparation.
"The Dade Colonies can be used as part of a continuing campaign within Gypsy Knights Games' Clement Sector background or as part of any Traveller or science fiction setting. These worlds can be used in concert or be taken one at a time for your own Traveller universe. Adventure awaits in the new colonies!"
Megan's review
Book Details:
Author: John Watts
Publishers' Reference: TDC
ISBN: n/a
PDF, 60 pages
Date: February 2013
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Product page last updated: 8 November 2014