Plenty of opportunity for adventure, conflict and advancement...
Publisher's blurb: "Ever since throwing off the yoke of Anuirean rule centuries ago, the land of Khinasi - the Sun Coast of Cerilia - has been a land of promise for bold adventurers. Here sea means life, the city-state means power, and the working of true magic is the most honorable profession of all. The remnants of the ancient Masetian civilization keep watch over the new culture grown up in its place. The land's many monster lords, called awnsheghlien, keep watch too - with a more sinister purpose in mind."
More when I get hold of a copy!
Book Details:
Authors: Richard Baker and Sue Weinlein Cook
Publishers' Reference: TSR3103
ISBN: 0-7869-0194-2
Box Set: 96-page book, a 21"x32" map, six informational cards, and 112 war cards.
Date: November 1995
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Product page last updated: 13 August 2014