This, the second part of the Santiago Adventure Path, is aimed at 2nd-level characters.
Publisher's blurb: "Belladonna, Nightshade and the Sargasso Rose brings the heroes into a deeper plot. Fresh from their meeting with the raconteur Stern on Port Étrange, the party sets course for the planet of Belladonna, where they hope to meet with Duncan Black and learn more about their ultimate quarry, Santiago. After their first encounter with the Democracy, they'll finally meet the Sargasso Rose, whose information will prove invaluable as they continue their hunt and set them on a crash course for planets mysterious and people even more so."
More when I get hold of a copy!
Book Details:
Authors: Mike Resnick and Malcolm Northwinter
Publishers' Reference: Unknown
ISBN: n/a
PDF, 44 pages
Date: November 2013
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Product page last updated: 1 July 2014