Long a place of mystery, now the Crescent Empire begins to be revealed...
Publisher's blurb: "A thousand years before Numa was founded, shrouded behind mountains thick with swirling mist and endless deserts full of fabulous treasure, tribes of nomads built a fabulous culture of intrigue and mystery. Gradually, they formed what would become the Empire of the Crescent Moon and grew strong, until one day they turned themselves loose upon the rest of the known world and changed the face of Theah forever.
"At last, you can go where only the most daring have ventured and see what precious few have lived to tell. Within these pages lie the long-awaited secrets of the Crescent Empire, but be warned - this is not for the fainthearted or weak-willed. Temptation and danger lurk in surprising places and the price of knowledge can empty your purse and your veins in the flash of a pair of dark eyes!"
Megan's review
Book Details:
Authors: Nancy Berman and Kevin P. Boerwinkle
Publishers' Reference: AEG7153
ISBN: 1-887953-47-7
Paperback, 128 pages
Date: June 2002
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Product page last updated: 6 December 2016