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RuneQuest 6e: Monster Island Companion

Monster Island Companion

Handy GM reference material and a glorious customisable map.

Publisher's blurb: "The Monster Island Companion is a PDF accompaniment to Design Mechanism's Monster Island book for RuneQuest 6th edition.

"It contains a massive, A2-size, full colour, layered map of the island. You can select what elements to display (hex grid, place names, locations, political boundaries) and even switch between the colour and black and white versions. Print customised versions of the map for use in your Monster Island campaign.

"The Companion also includes additional NPC statistics and all the Encounter Charts gathered together in one place."

More when I get hold of a copy!

Book Details:
Author: Pete Nash
Publishers' Reference: TDM102a
ISBN: n/a
PDF, 17 pages
Date: June 2013

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Product page last updated: 11 December 2013