Produced by Chaos Trip Studios in collaboration with Avalon Game Company, Slayers of the Great Serpent is a campaign of epic heroics and adventurers fighting against incredible odds. The party does not know where their enemy is, nor do they know how to find it, nor do they know by what means such a terrible menace can be combated. All they know is that the quest will be full of hardship and danger. Their journey will take them across oceans and continents. They will brave freezing mountains, endless badlands, oppressive jungles, and all the harsh challenges of the sea.
The series consists of five separate adventure books that will be published as a series. Completing the entire campaign takes a group of five player characters from 1st to 20th level. It is published for both the D&D 4e and Pathfinder rulesets.
D&D 4e |
Pathfinder |
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Page last updated: 13 September 2013