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Starship Troopers RPG: The United Citizens’ Federation

The United Citizens' Federation

Always good to know why you are fighting...

Publisher's blurb: "Welcome, citizens.

"You have proven yourselves to be outstanding members of the Federation, men and women with the courage and capacity to rise above the ranks of the masses and embrace the responsibilities and privileges that come with citizenship.

"You know that being a citizen in the United Citizens' Federation requires something many human beings are not capable of - it requires a willingness to put the safety and security of the human race ahead of your own, to lay down your life if necessary that the race itself might survive. It is the ultimate price for the ultimate reward. You know this but do you understand why it is necessary?

"The Citizens' Federation will show you why. Knowing what the Federation is, understanding the importance and clarity of our system, as well as the troubles and trials we have endured to reach where we are today, is an integral part of truly understanding what citizenship means, of holding to that great commitment each of you has made to attain what you have achieved.

"Boot camp has taught you how to fight. Now you will come to understand what it is you are fighting for."

More when I get hold of a copy!

Book Details:
Author: Greg Lynch
Publishers' Reference: MGP9204
ISBN: 1-905176-19-8
Paperback, 160 pages
Date: April 2007

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Product page last updated: 15 August 2013