More of the heady mix of Mythos and conspiracy...
Publisher's blurb: "NO FUTURE: Get used to the taste of ashes. Delta Green: Countdown blows the doors off the world of Delta Green, reaching wider and digging deeper to map the terrain of the twisted pulp apocalypse we call the dawning of the 21st century. Brace yourself for the final world order! Covers more occult weirdness than you can shake a fetch-stick at, including DG's counterparts in the U.K. and Russia. Plus three scenarios, more than a hundred international intelligence-agency templates, and scientific reports from a DG-friendly microbiologist on several Mythos creatures. And much more!"
More when I get hold of a copy!
Book Details:
Authors: Dennis Detwiller, A. Scott Glancy andJohn Tynes
Publishers' Reference: PAG1008
ISBN: 1-887797-12-2
Paperback, 432 pages
Date: 1999
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Product page last updated: 3 August 2012