A selection of useful charts to use in the Master Screen - which is a plain board screen faced with transparent pockets in which you can place whatever things you think will be useful while running a game. Sticking them onto cardboard (or clipping over another GM's Screen) works fine too.
Publisher's blurb: "Bastion Press is pleased to present this free download in support of Citizen Games' MasterScreen product. More information on the MasterScreen product and supporting publishers can be found at the Citizen Games website. The Arms & Armor MasterScreen contains popular charts and tables from Arms & Armor. This free download contains new weapons tables and a chart detailing all of the possible magical armor qualities from A&A."
Thanks to Bastion Press for making this available!
Megan's review
Book Details:
Authors: Greg Dent & Jim Butler
Publishers' Reference: Unknown
ISBN: n/a
PDF, 7 pages
Date: 2002
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Product page last updated: 5 July 2019