To enable you to add alchemical and herbal practices to your campaign, this book presents several prestige classes, a herbal, a collection of items that you can make with your new-found alchemical skills and plenty more. An updated version, with v3.5 D&D mechanics, is available in PDF.
Publisher's blurb: "Looking for more wondrous ways to create fantastic new substances, turn lead into gold, or create powerful new magical items? Master alchemists and herbalists have many secrets to reveal, but only those who strive to become truly skilled at their craft can hope to master the art of creating the most powerful of talismans. Whether you're looking for something to spice up these skills or a book to breathe new life into your world's alchemical and herbalism offerings, you'll find lots of useful materials in A&H."
Megan's review
Book Details:
Author: Steven Schend
Publishers' Reference: BAS1003
ISBN: 0-9714392-4-9
Paperback, 96 pages
Date: March 2002
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Product page last updated: 27 July 2019