New Year, New Game |

It's back! OneBookShelf (parent company of DriveThruRPG & RPG Now) have put together a list of discounted role-playing game core books - appropriately priced at $11 a go - for you to try out that game you've been wondering about in this new year. There were even the odd one or two that an obsessive collector like me had't got yet...
- A Song of Ice and Fire Roleplaying: Green Ronin
- All Flesh Must be Eaten Revised: Eden Studios
- Artesia: Adventures in the Known World: Archaia Entertainment LLC
- Brave New World: Alderac Entertainment Group
- Buffy RPG Revised Corebook: Eden Studios
- Corporation Core Rules: Brutal Games
- CthulhuTech Core Book: WildFire
- Dragon Warriors RPG: Magnum Opus Press
- Exalted Second Edition: White Wolf
- Fantasy Craft Second Printing: Crafty Games
- GODSEND Agenda D6: Khepera Publishing
- Heavy Gear Blitz! Locked & Loaded - Rulebook Rev 1.1: Dream Pod 9
- HELLAS: Worlds of Sun and Stone: Khepera Publishing
- King Arthur Pendragon: Edition 5.1: Nocturnal
- Legends of Anglerre: Cubicle 7 Entertainment Ltd.
- Little Fears Nightmare Edition: FunSizedGames
- Maschine Zeit: Machine Age Productions
- Monsters and Other Childish Things: Completely Monstrous Edition: Arc Dream Publishing
- Paranoia: Troubleshooters: Mongoose
- Pirates of the Spanish Main RPG: Pinnacle Entertainment
- Ravaged Earth: Reality Blurs
- RunePunk: Steam and Shadow: Reality Blurs
- RuneQuest II: Mongoose
- Savage Suzerain (Savage Worlds): Savage Mojo
- Shadowrun, 4th Ed. 20th Anniversary Core Rulebook: Catalyst Game Labs
- Supernatural Role Playing Game: Margaret Weis Productions
- The Book of Unremitting Horror (GUMSHOE version): Pelgrane Press
- The Savage Foes of Solomon Kane: Pinnacle Entertainment
- Weapons of the Gods: Eos Press
- World of Darkness Rulebook: White Wolf
Company Product list last updated: 18 January 2011