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Dungeons & Dragons 3e: Codex Arcanis

Codex Arcanis

Revised core book for this splendid setting.

Publisher's blurb: "Turmoil grips the lands of Onara. It is the end of an era, and a dawn of a new age. It is an age of struggle against the end of existence; an age which shall witness the rise of history's greatest champions. Will Arcanis pass into nothingness, or shall her heroes raise her up to new heights?

"The Elorii look into the divining pools of the Elluwe' as they roil with blood and know that the end times prophesied so many centuries ago are now upon us. Emerging from their forest sanctuary, they wonder if humanity can indeed weather the storm of Silence. Each of the Shattered Empires struggles to survive. In the north, the nation of Canceri buckles under the oppressive rule of the Theocracy - most pray for death, and the rest, for deliverance. Enemies gather round the proud nation of Milandir, each one eager to pull down its bright towers and humble its defenders. Fear gnaws at Milandir's people, and they begin to lose hope. To the south, the once mighty Coryani Empire sleeps under an indifferent ruler, while its greatest general bides his time, waiting to seize the throne for his own noble house. The Imperial Court looks on like a flock of carrion crows, ready to pick apart the corpse of the land. The nascent Serpent Empire stirs with renewed vigor, the Serpent Kings no longer content to set his own subjects against one another, and instead looks to the destruction of the children of Althares.

"The Codex Arcanis is the essential tome for the critically-acclaimed Arcanis: the World of Shattered Empires campaign setting."

More when I get hold of a copy!

Book Details:
Authors: Pedro Barrenechea, Henery Lopez, William Rivera, Nelson Rodriguez, and Eric Wiener
Publishers' Reference: PCI1115
ISBN: 978-1-931374-33-0
Hardback, 256 pages
Date: 2008

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Product page last updated: 21 March 2010