An adventurer's guide to Old Coryan.
Publisher's blurb: "Of all the fabulous empires, kingdoms, nations, city-states, hoary tracts, and territories that sprawl across the face of Onara, the vast expanse of the lofty Coryani Empire is the greatest. Within this simple tome can be found the birthplace of greatness and glory, the ancient City of Coryan.
"Surpassed by the newer city of Grand Coryan, Old Coryan remains as a largely forgotten, neglected relic of the age before the birth of Empire. Now a den of malcontents, thieves, and outcasts, the ancient metropolis is fertile ground for intrigue and mischief.
"In the depths of the Shadowed Age, Yeolin, ancient King of Coryan, made a terrible oath sealed in the blood of the val'Assante line. For millennia the val'Assante have paid this debt to keep the ancient God of the Hills appeased with rites of blood and sacrifice by his Horned King. Without this payment, the land would know blight until the role of Horned King was again filled. The Horned King now lies dead and only the blood of the first among the val'Assante can set things aright."
More when I get hold of a copy!
Book Details:
Author: Scott Charlton
Publishers' Reference: PCI1005
ISBN: 1-931374-05-8
Paperback, 80 pages
Date: August 2002
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Product page last updated: 19 March 2010