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Exalted 2e: Compass of Celestial Directions 2 - The Wyld

Compass of Celestial Directions 2: The Wyld

Explore Creation's supernatural locales and find out about the dangers of the Wyld, the kingdoms of the Fair Folk and the savage Wyld tribes.

Publisher's blurb: "Outside the bounds of Creation, there exists an infinite expanse of roiling chaos that breaks upon the shaped world like a stormtossed sea against the shore, threatening to wear it away. Where it does wear away, reality breaks down and savage denizens of the chaos beyond Creation dwell."

More when I get hold of a copy!

Book Details:
Authors: Genevieve Cogman, Peter Schaefer, and John Snead
Publishers' Reference: WW80216
ISBN: 1-58846-693-0
Paperback, 160 pages
Date: March 2007

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Product page last updated: 7 February 2010