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Exalted 2e: Compass of Terrestrial Directions 3 - The East

Compass of Terrestrial Directions 3: The East

Wild or sophisticated, or a bit of both? Visit the West and find out!

Publisher's blurb: "Beyond the Scavenger Lands lies much more than a rough frontier of rural backwaters and petty kingdoms. The Far East is full of nations that rival its supposedly more 'civilized' neighbors in terms of size and sophistication, from the warring states of Linowan and Halta, to the floating land of Metagalapa and even grim Sijan, ancient city of the honored dead. Still, the region's reputation as a land of untamed wilds and rough barbarians is not without merit, as the broad Eastern forests are home to a myriad of human, once human and completely inhuman tribes. The wealth of the East lies within these forests, waiting for those brave enough to take it."

More when I get hold of a copy!

Book Details:
Authors: Alan Alexander, Genevieve Cogman, Daniel Dover, Dawn Elliot, Michael Kessler, Dustin Shampel, John Snead, and Andrew Watt
Publishers' Reference: WW80202
ISBN: 978-1-58846-617-4
Paperback, 160 pages
Date: September 2008

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Product page last updated: 6 February 2010