Those depths have held a terrible fascination for generations of brave (and foolhardy) adventurers...
Publisher's blurb: "No realm in the D&D world stirs the imagination like the Underdark. This vast subterranean domain holds thousands of adventure possibilities and myriad threats, including drow, mind flayers, dragons, and worse! Entire campaigns can unfold in its depths, and its rewards are boundless.
"Underdark contains everything a Dungeon Master needs to run adventures or campaigns set in the vast underworld of his or her D&D campaign, including new monsters and hazards, ready-to-play encounters, monster lairs, and detailed information on various dark-dwelling 'movers and shakers.'"
More when I get hold of a copy!
Book Details:
Authors: Rob Heinsoo and Andy Collins
Publishers' Reference: 251210000
ISBN: 978-0-7869-5387-5
Hardback, 160 pages
Date: January 2010
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Product page last updated: 8 November 2015