The Greys in all their terrifying power...
Publisher's blurb: "Terrifying masters of mental power and high technology, these aliens have plagued mankind for as long as there has been a mankind. Learn their secrets, see their technology, find out what it will take for a group of Player Characters to make a difference in a world where the Greys are just one of the horrible things standing between humanity and its destiny. See their ships, their weapons and their armor. Marvel at their world-wide and galaxy-wide operation of human traficking, and dare to hope that mere humans can stand against them!
"All right, so they're a little squishy in some spots - but they don't let that slow them down too much. They are the Greys. To know them is to know true fear."
More when I get hold of a copy!
Book Details:
Authors: Unknown
Publishers' Reference: AF001
ISBN: n/a
PDF, 48 pages
Date: March 2009
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Product page last updated: 20 June 2009