The Computer is still your friend...
Publisher's blurb: "We include a 24-page booklet as a cool bonus with the fine PARANOIA Gamemaster Screen, because it's hard to sell GM screens for roleplaying games nowadays without a cool bonus booklet.
"(Really, what can you say to sell a GM screen by itself? 'It has charts from the rulebook! It stands up! Guaranteed opaque at visible wavelengths!')
"This booklet's super-fine must-have centerpiece will, we predict, become instantly popular on illegal traitorous Communist scumsucking P2P filesharing networks: the mission blender. Using these charts, you roll a 20-sided die about a hundred times, plug words into blanks and hey presto! You have a complete mission based on the mission scheme outlined in Chapter 46 of the PARANOIA rulebook!
"We pad out this booklet with a couple of okay introductory handouts and a bunch of nifty forms. PARANOIA needs forms like a Mystic needs Sandallathon. Photocopy and distribute them to the Troubleshooter team leader at suitable times. Make sure the team leader (or his designated flunky) fills them out. Review all answers closely, then terminate PCs as necessary. Fun!"
More when I get hold of a copy!
Book Details:
Author: Allen Varney
Publishers' Reference: MGP6631
ISBN: 1-904854-49-4
Cardstock screen + 32-page booklet
Date: 2004
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Product page last updated: 15 June 2009