Emerald Press Product List |

Combat Advantage
- EP-CA01: 1: Power Knowledge
- EP-CA02: 2: Bleeding
- EP-CA03: 3: The Centry
- EP-CA04: 4: Heroic Talents
- EP-CA05: 5: Paragon Talents
- EP-CA06: 6: Reputation Feats
- EP-CA07: 7: Sidekicks
- EP-CA08: 8: Celestial Champion
- EP-CA09: 9: The Revenant
- EP-CA10: 10: The Rawl
- EP-CA11: 11: Gol
D20 Modern Resources
- EMP018: Spellbooks and Bullets
Dark Emerald
D&D 3e Resources
- EMP012: Campaign Options: Improvised Weapons
- EMP017: The Book of Alignment
Looking Glass
- DGS001: 1: City
- DGS002: 2: Forest
- DGS003: 3: Countryside
- DGS004: 4: Structures
- DGS005: 5: Locks and Doors
- DGS009: 8: Items
Miscellaneous Materials
Treasure Hunter
- EMP008: Treasure Hunter Sourcebook
- EMP008-1: The Mystery and the Tomb
- EMP008-2: Spoils of War
- EMP008-3: Nemesis
Company Product list last updated: 18 July 2009