Golden Age Starships 3 is a complete game supplement for the Traveller role-playing game. Full stats are included for Classic Traveller, but this rules-light supplement is suitable for use with any version of Traveller, or indeed with other rules sets.
Publisher's blurb: "This supplement details some of the dozens of small craft that can be encountered in an inhabited system, from Highport launches and gigs to the primitive exploration craft of emerging races. To the high-tech traveller, a trip aboard a rocket-powered deathtrap may be an enlightening experience!"
More when I get hold of a copy!
Book Details:
Authors: Michael Taylor and Ron Vutpakdi
Publishers' Reference: CSRT0005
ISBN: n/a
Paperback, 35 pages
Date: 2006
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Product page last updated: 30 November 2008