The first 'world seed' from One Bad Egg is a strange and troubled place, with plenty of scope for adventure.
Every year, more and more of the land crumbles and collapses into the ground, revealing vast, sudden canyons. The bravest souls among us must face the dangers rising from beneath their feet, now wakening from their ancient slumber. In this new, dying world, you don't invade the dungeon - the dungeon invades you.
The world is an angry ant-hill kicked over by the boots of the gods. Beneath the ground lie the hidden places, teeming with life and unlife none too happy to have their roof coming down around their ears. Old dungeons, hidden lairs, and buried cities now find their treasures laid bare to the avarice of the surface-dwellers - and find a rapacious greed of their own in the opportunities for fresh plunder now available topside.
Everywhere, kingdoms fall and wars break out as once-mighty realms discover their farmlands have just disappeared into the hungry ground. The land has been forever changed - but there is no place in all the world more changed than the North.
Setting Page last updated: 22 November 2008