There is both a special poster map and a more conventional map, both can be printed entire if you have access to a specialist printer or print shop, or printed on several normal sheets and stuck together if you prefer to home print.
Publisher's blurb: "An amazing 25.5 x11 inches poster showing the whole Great City in three dimensions! You can recognize each landmark of the city at a glance: the Circus Maximus, Castle Atregan, The Temple of the Silver Lady and so on. The 'Rule the Dungeon' feature allows you to hide and show the poster features and print it as you like (text, north mark)."
Megan's review
Book Details:
Author: Mario Barbati
Publishers' Reference: UA003
ISBN: n/a
PDF, 16 pages
Date: October 2008
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Product page last updated: 29 October 2008