The concept behind this short adventure is that it begins with a chance halt in a tiny hamlet for a glass or two of ale... in other words, it is a self-contained event to liven up a journey from one place to another. It's always good to toss a few such into your campaign: however epic the cause your characters are pursuing through your plotline, reminding them that others have completely different problems to contend with is a good means of maintaining the feel of the 'alternate reality' that they inhabit.
The problem facing the inhabitants of the tiny hamlet is that there appears to be something nasty in their graveyard. They sent some militiamen, but they didn't come back. Perhaps this well-armed party of adventurers could help? Assuming they do, there is both a night and a day version of what transpires when they go to investigate. The encounter notes come complete with evocative descriptions and detailed information on the combat tactics that the opposition will use, and clear maps showing both the lay of the land and the way in which the opposition will form up - even a DM who is new to running a battle should find it straightforward with the level of information at his fingertips.
The entire thing should take less than a couple of hours to run, so will not interfere with the main course of your campaign. It is perhaps a little thin to use as a one-off evening's game although a group merely seeking a fight would be satisfied. It is intended for characters of levels 8-12, but by varying the number of opponents it could be scaled to suit other parties - but a cleric and/or paladin are well-nigh essential. A neat piece to keep to hand for that occasion when you feel that a journey's getting dull and you don't just want to say that two days later the party reaches its destination!
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Reviewed: 17 July 2008