Another location in the Ruined Town to investigate.
Publisher's blurb: "Once the magnificent residence of the Town Lord, now the castle it is the hiding place for a group of marauders led by Graunth Obadai 'the merciless', a towering half-orc who is said to have demon blood in his veins. Graunth is often out of the castle to maraud the countryside. A small garrison of cutthroats is always left in the castle, surveying the fabled treasure amassed by the band.
"Nobody knows the true name of Graunth Obadai 'the merciless'. It is said he took the name of the evil warlord who sacked the Ruined Town in the past after making a strange discovery in the dungeons of Castle Falconflight. People say the bandit took that feared name to provoke terror in the countryside but few persons say the half-orc retrieved a lost artifact in the dungeon of the castle and that after the discovery he was changed."
Megan's review
Book Details:
Author: Mario Barbati
Publishers' Reference: BLU43
ISBN: n/a
PDF, 20 pages
Date: March 2008
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Product page last updated: 3 April 2008