This preview of what will be Myrik Games' first publication sets a high standard. Within its 5 pages (4, really, given the legal requirement of printing the OGL/D20 licence legalese) we have a full-colour cover, and two of the new spells to be presented in the work.
The spells are presented in an interesting mannner, with each being introduced by narrative showing how the wizard Tauralathan came to learn and use it. The spells are shocking shield and chilling drain; the first being a defensive spell that can lash out at an attacker that threatens the mage protected by it, and the second a somewhat vampiric energy drain that boosts the spellcaster's speed by giving him an extra move equivalent action that round, while dealing cold damage to the victim.
Layout is crisp, with apposite illustrations, although a little bit of proof-reading would not have gone amiss! The spells are imaginative and usable - whether in the context of the Myrik setting or in your own world - and it certainly makes me look forward to reading the complete work.
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