Everyone loves the fun of the fair... and in this adventure, visitors get more than they bargained for. Not everything is as cheerful as it seems and evil fey are poised to take advantage of the unexpected.
As an 'event' based adventure, all the action takes place in and around the fairground, and the characters have a free hand as to where they go and what they do. All you need is provided in two indexed sections, the first being the carnival as it should be and the second in its perverted form. The people to be encountered, what they are doing and their likely reaction to the characters is all there. There is also a list of competitions and events to watch or to particpate in, as the characters prefer.
As the evening draws in it is not only the night that gets darker and colder - and it is up to the characters to prevent the carnage that will ensue. A strong stomach as well as a strong sword-arm is required.
This is a good adventure to add horror to your campaign where it will be least expected, a shocking perversion of what ought to be a relaxing, fun-filled evening. The underlying plot is strong, and rewards for success based on satisfaction at saving the township rather than monetary reward.
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Reviewed: 28 January 2008