How do folks start off being adventurers in the first place? This adventure, produced for the US convention Dundracon in 2005, provides a start for one bunch... pitting six NPC-classed characters against a challenge far greater than they can handle.
Publisher's blurb: "For the past few years, an ogre that lairs in a cave near the wilderness town of Dundraville has demanded tributes of ale and supplies. The villagers were happy to comply, lest the brute attack them or destroy their property. But recently, the ogre changed his demands. Now he wants gold, building supplies - and captives! When the ogre walked into town only to have his request denied, he flew into a rage. The brute dragged two townsolk off to his cave, to be eaten for sure! The villagers have no heroes to protect them - so someone must rise to the challenge! Six determined townsfolk have taken decided to take justice into their own hands. Can these village commoners defeat the ogre in his own lair before their fellows are eaten?"
Megan's review
Book Details:
Author: Chris Doyle
Publishers' Reference: GMG5100
ISBN: 0977073823
Paperback, 32 pages
Date: February 2005
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Product page last updated: 30 January 2009