A monster collection for Marl.
Publisher's blurb: "Meet the monsters of Marl, and learn a lesson in fear. Hear them tell you in their own words what it means to be other, and hear from experts on the deadly and the demonic. From the heart of the cities to the depths of the Wilderness, meet the Shifters, the Breeds, the Demons, the Undead and the things so alien no one know just what to call them. Each entry includes statistics and descriptions for these creatures, who can be the enemies of your characters - or the unlives of the adventuring party."
More when I get hold of a copy!
Book Details:
Authors: Sandy Addison, Dustin Browder, Bill Olmesdahl, Ed Stark, and Greg Farshtey
Publishers' Reference: WEG33011
ISBN: 0-87431-382-1
Paperback, 96 pages
Date: 1994
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Product page last updated: 28 July 2007