Everyone has adventures or at least events in a tavern at some point, so here's a way to have an interesting location every time.
Publisher's blurb: "Tired of flipping through dozens of tiles in the hope to assemble a tavern suitable for your adventure? Tavern Tile Designer allows you to design and print all the tiles for your tavern in few minutes!
"Now you can run your evening adventure with tiles ready for the whole tavern! Tavern Tile Designer is easy and intuitive and you don't need any drawing skill to build a nice-looking tavern tile.
"Following the acclaimed Dungeon Tile Designer, and Wilderness Tile Designer Tavern Tile Designer, is the ultimate tool for building tiles; it features an option allowing you to spare ink as you see fit. The Ink Saving Feature allows you to dim your tile and print it by saving up to 70% of ink!"
More when I get hold of a copy!
Book Details:
Authors: Mario Barbati
Publishers' Reference: MAC35
ISBN: n/a
PDF, 9 pages
Date: May 2007
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Product page last updated: 1 June 2007