Call of Cthulhu is a horror RPG based on the novels of H.P. Lovecraft and published by Chaosium. Originally set in the 1920s, further source material and adventures have taken it from the dark ages to the present day. While there have been several 'new' versions of the core rules, these have been refinements and reorganisation rather than major changes, and material from any version is compatible across the entire range.
Wizards of the Coast produced a D20 version, which rapidly vanished from their inventory; while Pagan Publishing has produced a line of modern material called Delta Green, subsequently developed into a game in its own right, the Delta Green RPG. Several other publishers have also been licensed to produce material.
Cthulhu enthusiasts may also be interested in Trail of Cthulhu, produced by Pelgrane Press using their Gumshoe game system, while the courageous can attempt Cthulhu Live, a LARP system for encountering the Mythos.
Setting Page last updated: 6 December 2017