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Conan RPG: Tito`s Trading Post

Tito's Trading Post

Equipment, weapons, armour and luxury items from the length and breadth of Hyboria.

Publisher's blurb: "Welcome to Tito's Trading Post. Here you will find all that is both mundane and wondrous to satisfy your equipment needs, collected from around the globe - although I warn you, I will have no truck with sorcery; go to the Stygians or Zamorians if that be what you are after, but I may be able to find some Lotus around here somewhere... As I look for that, I may as well tell you what my trading post has available for you."

More when I get hold of a copy!

Book Details:
Author: Vincent Darlage
Publishers' Reference: MGP7721
ISBN: 1-905471-15-7
Hardback, 96 pages
Date: March 2006

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Product page last updated: 25 December 2006